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Child Custody Lawyer Queens, NYC (File Joint Or Sole)

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Aronov Law NY has decades of experience helping couples file joint custody. Similarly, we also have a tremendous amount of experience helping a parent in litigation with a spouse attain sole custody. The most important thing to keep in mind when involved in a custody dispute is that the primary focus should always be the child in question.  The lawyers at Aronov Law NY have worked with parents all over New York City to find child custody arrangements that are in the best interest of the child and are agreeable for both parents and their new family situation as a whole. Reaching that perfect harmony between the parents and pursuing joint custody is a win for all the parties involved – especially the children.

The divorce or separation process can become particularly emotional when dealing with child custody issues. This is because parents often value time with their children more than anything else. In addition, custody decisions have a direct impact on the well-being of each child involved. To protect your interests and those of your children, a Queens child custody lawyer can be brought in to advocate for the most favorable custody arrangement possible.

At Aronov Law NY, we know how important your children are to you. It’s why we treat each child custody case as if our own children were involved. We have a deep understanding of family law, which enables us to create effective custody arrangements that preserve the health and safety of the children involved while also satisfying the needs of our clients. Connect with us today to learn more about our approach to child support and custody cases.

What Are the Most Common Child Custody Disputes in Queens, New York?

Both parents may have a different idea of what the most favorable custody arrangement should be, which can cause a number of disputes that need to be resolved before a divorce can be finalized. Some of the most common child custody disputes include:

  • Physical Custody. Physical custody refers to where a child will live, as well as which parent will care for them. When two parents are awarded joint custody, this means that a child must split their time between both homes. A common arrangement is for a child to spend weekdays at one parent’s home and weekends with the other. One frequent physical custody dispute happens when one parent believes they should be awarded sole custody, not joint custody.
  • Legal Custody. Legal custody allows a parent to make important decisions on behalf of their child. This can include deciding what medical treatments they receive, where they go to school, and what their religious upbringing looks like. The court will verify that both parents do not suffer from any mental illness that would impact their ability to make sound decisions before granting sole or joint legal custody.
  • The need for a visitation agreement comes into play when one parent is granted sole physical custody. Because that parent will keep the child under their care full-time, the other parent needs a structured schedule to maintain a bond with their child. Some common visitation schedules allow visits every other weekend or during specific holidays or school vacations. It’s not uncommon for the parent with the visitation arrangement to argue that they deserve more time with their child.
  • If one parent decides to move a significant distance away from a child’s hometown, it could influence decisions that were made in an original custody agreement. Sometimes, a parent needs to move to secure a new employment opportunity or because they need a more affordable place to live. Even if the reason is valid, the non-moving parent may try to object to any modifications to an existing order. For example, they may try to avoid seeing their child less frequently.
  • The state of New York allows for child custody arrangements to be modified in the future if there has been a significant change in circumstances. One of the most common examples occurs when new evidence is presented that one parent has been neglectful or has abused their child. In this example, a child may be temporarily removed from the alleged abuser’s home until a modification is either granted or denied in court. If any of these disputes sound familiar, share your story with a child custody attorney. They can take time to better understand your case and advocate for an arrangement that satisfies both the parents and the children involved.

When a child is caught between battling parents, nobody benefits.  Most of our attorneys are parents themselves and understand all the emotions that accompany raising a child.  We work to make sure that our clients and their children reach a result that works for them without causing unnecessary heartbreak for the children involved. In the event the parents cannot get it together Aronov Law NY can represent you in attaining sole custody.

Contact us today for a free consultation on your child custody case – joint or sole alike.

How Does the Court Determine the Best Interests of a Child?

To determine the best interests of a child, the court will look into many different factors, such as a child’s age, health, and emotional needs. They will also look at each parent to see if there are any concerns that they are unable to provide a loving and stable home. If there is any evidence of abuse, custody may be revoked.

What Should I Do If I Suspect My Child Is Being Abused by the Other Parent?

If you are suspicious that your child is being abused by their other parent, act immediately to protect their safety before seeking legal advice. Contact local law enforcement or child protective services. You may then seek an order of protection to prevent the abusive parent from having contact with the child. The case may then advance to court, and the allegedly abusive parent could have their parental rights taken away.

How Can Mediation Help in Child Custody Disputes?

Mediation can be an extremely effective tool to help resolve common child custody disputes. This is achieved by a neutral third party who will facilitate communication between parents to help them reach a mutually agreed-upon solution. Discussions will surround each parent’s concerns and priorities. The process allows each parent to feel more in control over the outcome of their case rather than leaving the final decision to a judge and jury.

What Happens if One Parent Does Not Comply With a Custody Order?

If there is any evidence to suggest a parent is not complying with a custody order, the other parent is able to file a motion to hold them accountable. This process is known as enforcement. This will grant authority to the court to impose penalties against the non-compliant parent if the allegations are proven to be true. The non-compliant parent could be forced to pay fines, lose certain custody rights, or even face jail time in certain cases.

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